Monday, January 3, 2011

Hello 2011

It is that time of the year again, time to resolutely declare change in our lives: New Year's resolutions.  I was going to say that I am not one who partakes in such cliche holiday rituals, but I confess that every year, even if only internally, I dream of doing all the things that I have put off the previous years: get in shape, learn Spanish, read a hundred books, write a book, etc.  I am fascinated with change because I'm not happy with who I am.  This is not a bad fascination but I wish it would move beyond just desire and become a reality.  Just like the multitude who make resolutions, I also fail to see them through.  This bears evidence that change, real change, is rather difficult.  Yet something deep within begs us to push towards a better us.  I think this longing is God-ordained, a desire to return to a full God-image bearing state, a return to paradise. This year I am not going at this sheepishly but full-heartedly and, I hope, not alone.

There is this book called The War of Art that names the enemy of our creative process as resistance.  The author, Steven Pressfield, says that when we feel the greatest resistance to a goal, we should view this goal as the greatest thing we can do.  The greater the difficulty, the greater the reward.  Out of our struggles and sometimes even defeats, we find strength and hopefully victory. 

This blog has been such a blessing for me, fostering a love for writing, but it also serves as an area of severe resistence.  I must write, and I hope that maybe I may write something beautiful and meaningful.  You too must (and I believe will) do something great.  Find your desire and name the enemy of resistance.  My resolution is to commit to this blog, to this strange act of communication, and to you my reader.  This year I will write three blogs every week.  They will range in length, subject-matter, and depth.  I am very excited and also very scared to make this resolution public, because now I am accountable.  Will you join me and make an audacious goal for 2011; make it public and pray for strength and perseverance? 

I sure hope so.

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